May 2-4, 2014 | Puerto Galera | Abakom 2012
This is not a secret to everybody that summer season is really my favorite time of the year! Many would disagree with me, but can't you guys find happiness by wearing sando all day and drinking your favorite fruit shake or ice cream? How about planning your summer adventure with friends at the beach? Ang saya kaya!
My summer started a bit early as my college buddies decided to have our pre-summer vacay at Nasugbu, Batangas. (
CLICK HERE ). But the REAL summer escapade should not just end there. So after long months of planning and yes, sending invites to our beloved former classmates, the 7 of us, went to Puerto Galera in Oriental Mindoro for our Post-labor day celebration. Typing this post really makes me giddy! Oh, I miss Galera and my friends!!!!
We left Batangas Friday afternoon around 1pm. It took us an hour and a half to reach Galera. Big thanks to Challenge and Passion Shipping Lines for our smooth and safe ride. That I guess is the longest 1.5 hours of my life!!! Hahaha!
F I R S T G R O U P I E!!! |
We decided to stay at VM White Beach Resort. One room, 3 beds, with aircon and TV, and our own CR - THIS IS LIFE! Pwede na!!!! Hindi na masama!!! Well actually, most of our time were spent on our room. The senior citizens in us are so boring that we find happiness inside our room sleeping or if not, eating.
Here we are enjoying the beach while watching the sunset. Priceless!
M y p a n g - C a l e n d a r f r i e n d s ! |
Since we arrived late in the afternoon, we didn't spend much time on the beach. So come the next morning and we are all in for adventures. Beach time, babbbbby!!!!! We were out for snorkeling and beach hopping. THE BEST! Too bad we didn't have our underwater cameras so we can share what Galera has to offer. But just to imagine, clear water, corals and school of fishes swimming with you. - GAAAAAA! Too bad my arms were so weak that I spent more time in the boat.
s o r r y s a s m a l l j p e g . p e r o e t o a n g p e g n am i n . SA Y A A A A A! ! ! ! |
P A R A D I S E |
T h i s i s o n e o f t h o s e p i c t u r e s t h a t I w i l l f o r e v e r t r e a s u r e . G e n u i n e l a u g h t e r i n d e e d ! |
We also visited underwater cave in which our group find so DEADLY! Panic to the highest level!!!! Our kuya bangkero is so thoughtful that he volunteers to be our photographer. Parang grad lang, bawat galaw may picture! Hahaha!
t a k e n b y k u y a p h o t o g r a p h e r e s t e k u y a b a n g k e r o |
T h e t o - d i e e x p e r i e n c e |
See? How can we not love kuya if he's too generous in taking pictures! Kilig! Hahaha! Meron pa syang, "O dito kayo, group picture!" and "Tingin sa camera, bilisan nyo picture na." Hahaha!
After snorkeling and the deadly visit to the underwater cave, another kuya bangkero in the name of kuya Andoy took us in one of the virgin islands near Galera. Swimming time!!!! It's like we owned the island for a day. Kreng and Nona really enjoyed this part. They happily do the muro-ami-ing. Labo! Hahaha! While the rest of us decided to stay near our banca.
f u n n y b u t w e ' r e d a n c i n g t o t h e t u n e o f " i c e i c e b a b y ! " H a h a h a ! |
w h o w o u l d h a v e t h o u g h t t h i s g a l h a s a s e l f i e ! |
t h e f a c e s ! ! ! |
Because we were too happy, we didn't mind spending almost half of the day island hopping and swimming. I commend the generosity of the locals of Mindoro especially our kuya bangkeros. They really took care of us especially me being the weakest in the group. Haha! From the bottom of my heart, thank you kuyas!
The rest of the day were spent on nap time. Sabi sa inyo, kain-tulog lang talaga kami. We were so tired that we don't mind missing the sunset on our second day. It was dinner time when we go out and enjoy Galera's night life.
Our last morning in Galera was spent on last minute picture taking and swimming. Sulitin na! Deadma na init!
A g o : v i s i t h e r b l o g s i t e o n :HERE |
N o n a : v i s i t h e r b l o g s i t e o n : HERE |
H a p p i l y d a n c i n g |
I miss Galera already!!!! And my friends!!!! Until our next giddy giddy adventure guys! I will update this blog as soon as Jerome uploaded our Galera vid.